If you need any help with installing or anything, please leave a comment and I will gladly help! View On WordPress. So if you want mine to work, and have another custom one already added, you will need to remove it first. Extract the file and place in your mods folder. Thank you so much for letting me use those beautiful colors! There are 9 different colors to pick from and I have included a blob remover package just in case! Download will be under the cut! I made a cute fantasy styled background for you to use in CAS!! I used the Gumball color palette made by futileflirt. I made some custom Create-A-Sim backgrounds because I got inspired by lilsimsie. If you need any help with installation, I am friendly! I have a set of unreleased CAS backgrounds that I use for myself. Link backs are appreciated but not necessary.

Just please do not re-upload and claim as your own. Please feel free to use it for your own story telling and screenshots. So if you have another currently, you must delete it before using mine. No extra packs needed! But please remember you can only have ONE custom backaground at a time. As always my CAS backgrounds are basegame.

Hey guys! This beautiful background is from Suramar! I love all the pretty reds and oranges in this zone that contrast with the deep purples and greens.